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Programming and finance still require creativity, context, and human analysis despite defined parameters and a logic-based foundation.

If AI hasn’t completely revolutionized those professions yet, what makes you think it can come for writing?

People thinking AI is going to change everything for B2B SaaS content marketing is proof that it won’t.

The only thing the ChatGPT chatter confirms is that B2B marketers are addicts looking for the next quick hit who will do anything (including talking to a robot) to avoid accepting the fact that marketing is hard work and good writing takes time.

Additionally, compelling insight and analysis from SMEs is a key quality of any type of effective SEO or editorial content.

And compelling insight and analysis comes from connecting the dots between the qualitative and quantitative, plus drawing on details learned through life experiences and human curiosity.

Until you can show me a piece of long-form content for B2B SaaS with proof that it led to revenue, whose key insights and takeaways came from an AI tool, you robot lovers have no case.

To be clear, I don’t hate AI.

Like all tools, there are no “good” or “bad” ones. There are those that produce a desirable ROI, and those that don’t.

I'll admit, I definitely felt threatened when I first heard about AI writing tools. That is, until I tried using them.

It was a similar experience to meeting a really good-looking person who also seems super cool, except five minutes into talking with them it hits you that they just quote movies and call it a personality.

But AI copywriting tools do what Canva did for design: both democratize it and elevate it at the same time.

And it does what knockoffs do to the luxury market: drive up demand and price of the real thing.

So if anything, I'm all for them.

They separate the wheat (high-quality writers always hungry to refine their craft) from the tares (wannabe lookalikes who post trite copywriting tips with zero regards for context).

Which means, the only copy and content writers who should be worried about them are ones that were never good to begin with.

I would encourage writers to learn AI tools, if for no other reason than job security. (AI-generated writing still needs significant human involvement.)

As for writers who rely on AI to help them “break writer’s block,” however, you should probably find a new job.

Not knowing how to push through writer’s block would be like a tight end not knowing how to recover after getting tackled.

In fact, AI tools are part of why you can’t push through. They weaken your creative muscles.

Many of you already have none to begin with. I can tell by the way you glorify and reach for your little swipe files. (Those ads in your swipe file weren’t made by looking at a swipe file, by the way.)

When your back is against the wall with a deadline, a tough client, or simply trash for ideas, AI nor a swipe file is going to save you. I can promise you that.

Only stamina and knowing your customers deeply will.

The fact is, real writers would never use any sort of AI for their actual work.

It’s not a morality or superiority thing.

It’s because real writers are here for the process – the tinkering, the toiling, even the head banging – not just the end product.

And real writers who also do it for a living know that they’re not actually paid for what they write.

They’re paid for how they think.


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